Media Project

In case the video doesn’t work! Here’s the link:

For this media project, I chose to focus on the impacts that social media has had on society. Not limited to, but really focusing on how social media has enhanced people’s connections, advertisements, knowledge and news, and overall gave people a lot of opportunity to stay connected and communicate with each other from a far. When hearing the prompt, I knew that this would be a topic that could very well choose, and have so much information about. I thought it was well incorporated to society and how much it is relatable today. I think that this topic will remain to stay and will continue to grow and progressively get bigger and better and take over society more and more (usage wise).

Some challenges that I ran into while creating this video was that I don’t have the same resources that the class requires (up to date resources), so while creating the project there was some challenges in that sense. I had to go through a couple different approaches in order to get the same result for this project. I think as long as it came out the same then the challenges were more of obstacles but they were able to be managed around. Another challenge that I had was while finding information to put with my message and research, I was not sure if my information was as credible, given that some of my media that was demonstrated was from TikTok. But I do think that it came out well and was balanced well with better quality research and actual numbers.

Ways that I have incorporated the feedback that I got from my draft from my instructor and peers was going through the rubrics, and listing out the tips and suggestions that I got. While doing that I was acknowledging what I had to do and what I was going to do to progress through that. I watched through my video and went along and marked where I was going to do those edits. Then I went through and added those, took those suggestions, and applied those suggestions and comments and progressively moved the rest of my video along with that. The process wasn’t simple, but greatly appreciated as I gained better potential for this project.


Abigail Bosze Content Writer, Bosze, A., & Writer, C. (2024, February 19). Why do people use social media? (March 2024). Doofinder.

Allen, S. (2019, September 20). Social Media’s growing impact on our lives. American Psychological Association.

Cho, H., Li, P., Ngien, A., Tan, M. G., Chen, A., & Nekmat, E. (2023, September). The bright and dark sides of social media use during COVID-19 lockdown: Contrasting social media effects through social liability vs. Social Support. Computers in human behavior.,et%20al.%2C%202022

Dr. Nicola Williams, Ph. D. (2022, July 27). What role has social media played in covid-19?. News.

Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2023, December 28). The rise of Social Media. Our World in Data.

Simplilearn. (2024, January 18). Social media: Advantages and disadvantages: Simplilearn.